Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Goal Setting- Don't skip this

When new members sign up at my club they are offered 2 free personal training sessions. We call each one of these particular session a GPS, short for Goals Produce Success. Some jump on the chance to set some goals and learn with a professional and some pass up the offer which is fine. You are in control of your life and you can choose to use your membership however you choose. But if your health club offers the same deal please consider this: Setting goals matters. 

I, like you, love success. But, the definition of success is a very personal matter. Financial gain is  one of the most popular gauges of success in business. It makes sense. How profitable one's business is involves a lot of intricate details, but in the end can be measured in the percentage of dollars earned over dollars spent. Any graduate must understand BEFORE they enter the workplace that their career will depend on their ability to profit a company. 

I guarantee every successful business man or woman consistently sets goals for themselves both long term and short with personal and commercial profit in mind.  Pretty simple right?

Your health should not be any different. Whether you are a beginner weightlifter or an experienced athlete, it is imperative you understand the bottom line that determines your successes and failures. I consistently ask myself: 

What do I ultimately want? (a certain body fat%, a number on a particular lift, less knee pain etc)

Am I systematically striving to achieve it or shooting from the hip?

If the answer is shooting from the hip, I'm in trouble. It's silly and my body deserves better. 

Do yourself a big favor, sit down and evaluate what's important to you and set 2 long term goals (achievement date 2 years or more away). Set 2 short term goals (2 months away) that coinside with the long term goals yet only immediately focus on those short term. Day by day your efforts pay off. Remember, without drawing the road map, you may accidentally wind up at your destination or at a cliff. A big accident can always be right around the corner.

For the best success, do not still skip the goal setting . Take it seriously! I am always here to assist you if you would like help systematically setting the perfect goals for yourself. 

Email is: mritter@wellbrige.com

Thank you for reading and God bless.

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