Thursday, January 19, 2012

Body weight ballin

When you don't have a gym handy on workout day, build your own bodyweight only workout using these 5 bodyweight baller tips:

1. Push ups and all variations of them- one thing that will never change until then end of time is that push ups will make you strong. Mix it up using different hand placements and body angles. Youtube is full of different push up ideas.

2. Double and single leg exercises- make sure to include both. When bodyweight squats are two easy try single leg squats by supporting one leg behind you on a couch or chair and squat! Increases the perceived load on each leg making them a killer.

3. Run! You're a human being dammit. Act like it :)

4. Use time sets like :30, 1:00 and 2:00 rather than traditional sets and reps. See how far you can run or how many reps you can do inside a certain time frame. Score your workout this way and get better from workout to workout.

5. Push and pull- stay balanced by using a horizontal push, horizontal pull, vertical push, vertical pull method to build the upper body portion of your workout. It will help you stay balanced and work ALL of the minor muscles with major movements.

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